donderdag 13 mei 2010

Minne tiden

Ien grut Europa is it beste foar de takomst, waard ús al moai wat jierren lyn foarholden. Wij mochten der oer stimme. Mar myn stim hat net folle holpen. Ik leau der net yn. Ik leau yn lyts en lytsskalich. It iene lân nei it oare komt yn krisis en dat is no ek ús probleem. Werom ik dit skriuw? Ingelân hat wer in nije regearing. It lân is yn dikke krisis en dat ûndanks it linksriden en de pûn.
Hiene ek sij echt bij Europa heard, hiene wij dat probleem der ek wer bij.
Mar ik los alle problemen op mei muzyk.
Twa klipkes mei it selde nûmer. Hard times of old England. Fan Steely Dan en de âlde mannen fan de Copper family. En de tekst stiet der ûnder. Hearlik sa'n ballade yn twa útfieringen.

Come all brother tradesmen that travel alone,
O, pray come and tell me where the trade is all gone,
Long time I have travelled and cannot find none,
And it's O, the hard times of old England,
In old England very hard times.

Provisions you buy at the shop it is true,
But if you've no money there's none there for you.
So what's a poor man and his family to do?
And it's O, the hard times of old England,
In old England very hard times.

If you go to a shop and you ask for a job
They will answer you there with a shake and a nod.
That's enough to make a poor man to turn out and rob,
And it's O, the hard times of old England,
In old England very hard times.

You will see the poor tradesmen a-walking the street
From morning till night for employment to seek.
And scarcely they have any shoes to their feet,
And it's O, the hard times of old England,
In old England very hard times.

Our soldiers and sailors have just come from war,
Been fighting for their King and their country sure,
Come home to be starved better have stayed where they were,
And it's O, the hard times of old England,
In old England very hard times.

So now to conclude and to finish my song
Let us hope that these hard times they will not last long.
And I may soon have occasion to alter my song,
And sing O, the good times of old England,
In old England very good times.

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